Halfway Home
So, we're now halfway home. McKenzie and mom were discharged from the hospital this afternoon and allowed to come home for, uh...forever, I guess. Molly is still in the NICU but we'll get to her in a minute.
So, let's catch you up with what all you missed while our laptop was hating Erlanger's wireless network. First up, in case you didn't know, I'm an AWESOME husband (and dad, now). I got my wife some beautiful flowers just for her on the day of the delivery. Check these out:

Unfortunately, due to all the post-delivery issues, the flowers beat Lindsey to the room by about 7 hours. Oh well, they smelled nice.
Our friends and family also sent us some great flowers. We got flowers from our Sunday School class, KW Downtown, my parents, and Lindsey's aunt and uncle in Knoxville. Also in this picture, some snacky food from Kevin and Jade (yum...)

Then our visitors started to show up. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and saw us the last few days. Your visits were a lot of fun and I apologize on Lindsey's behalf if she made you stand in the hall while milking...
McKenzie got to spend a ton of time in the room with us. I really miss the little wheeled bassinet now because it was so convenient just to push her around wherever you wanted her to go. Maybe I need to find one online...
Here are some pictures of her hanging out.

With great-grandmother Mama Lene (my grandmother)

With grandmother Sue (Lindsey's mom)

Chillin' with our first non-hospital outfit put on by dad (really!)

Molly is still in the NICU but has really been doing great. She has started to keep a lot of food down and her breathing is getting much more regular. She is much less swollen now than she was on Monday and Tuesday. We're still hoping for a discharge on Tuesday but the doctors say it depends on how much her chest clears by then and if she can learn to feed from a bottle well enough in order to go home. Hope she doesn't miss Turkey Day with the fam!
Here's a picture of Molly in the NICU. She's super fiesty so the nurse had her kinda strapped down to keep her from pulling out her last IV (she pulled it out a few hours after this picture...thata girl...)

We got McKenzie home early this afternoon. It's weird having 2 children in 2 different locations but hopefully it's not for long. Last picture...McKenzie hanging out in another new outfit trying out her bouncy seat. She's tiny in this thing...

So, thanks for the support and prayers and visits and everything over the last 5 days. We've survived the birth and are now journeying into the just surviving stage. Yay!
How precious! I hope Molly gets to come home soon!!!
I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!!!
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