Updates! Get your Updates here!
Ok, so yeah, it's been a while since I've posted an update. I'm sure nothing at all has happened in the last 3 weeks...
So, that's it. Thanks for checking in with us and we hope to see you again soon!
Ok, so I was told that wasn't a real update and that I had better post a real one or else whatever that means...
So, here's what has been going on. First things first, Molly and McKenzie are now attending a Parent's Morning Out program on Monday's and Wednesday's. It runs from 9:30 to 2PM and gives me an opportunity to use that time to actual focus on real estate stuff. The first time they went I actually got a lot of stuff accomplished. Let's hope that continues.
Speaking of real estate, it seems that a bunch of people are buying and selling houses right now. My in-laws John and Sue have their house under contract, my brother and his wife are looking to buy, and some dear friends of ours just closed on their new home last Friday. So, if you know of anyone who's looking at buying or selling, let me know!
Ok, ad over...
On to more about the girls...McKenzie has a new favorite toy...a Cheez-It box!

Really, it's just a toy when mommy's not home...
Speaking of McKenzie, she had a very scary experience about a week ago. The girls were playing on the floor in the living room. I went up to my office to send a few emails. While I was gone, somebody broke into our house and moved McKenzie from the living room to the kitchen! About 15 feet! Holy moley!
True story cause surely she didn't crawl/roll all that way on her own...
The girls are much more mobile these days. They're also sitting independently fairly well. Here's a picture of the two of them sharing their blocks.

And what sharing usually leads to...

On Thursday, Molly had her follow-up appointment with Dr. Moses concerning her hips. After getting an x-ray and reviewing everything, Dr. Moses thinks that Molly is perfectly normal and doesn't want to see us anymore! Yay! That's one specialist down and only the heart guy to go (and hopefully we'll be done with him by the end of September).
Speaking of doctors, the girls got to finally get their 6-month shots on Thursday as well. A great time was had by all. Bandaids for everyone! Seriously, those shots look huge compared to the girls' tiny legs (ok, compared to McKenzie's legs...sorry Molly...)
McKenzie goes back to Birmingham on June 23 for a follow-up CT scan. Hopefully everything will still look great and we won't have to worry about "next steps" to fix the problem. We were reassured this past week that we made the right choice in going to Birmingham.
Earlier this evening, we went to a Children's Picnic put on by our church at Rivermont Park. The girls seemed to enjoy their time at the park. I'll leave you with a few pictures and a short video...

McKenzie digs Mixed Vegetables with Pasta

Molly eats bibs...no lie...

We kinda dig this swing thing...

Alright, that's it! Hope you have a great week and we'll see you again soon!
Labels: birmingham, dr jeanie, dr moses, mckenzie, molly