The Change of Routines
Another week has gone by, too quickly it seems. Not too much going on here at our place, just the same stuff over and over and over again. Let's recap...
Sunday, we had visitors from Maryville! John and Sue came down after church to hang out with the girls for a few hours. I had to go host an open house over in Ooltewah so I missed out on a lot of that. At least Lindsey had someone to keep her company!
The title talks about a change of routines this week and that is what we got. Lindsey went back to work for the first time since November 3rd on Monday. So, it was all me, alone with both girls. I tried to convince Lindsey that McKenzie might still pass for a newborn in the nursery but she thought the nurses might notice. Oh well, she didn't have a whole lot of time to miss them because...
Also on Monday, Molly had an appointment with Dr. Moses at the hospital to review her hip ultrasound results from Dec. 30. We've decided that we're going to try and visit every subspecialty in the hospital. Gotta get 'em all! Anyway, Dr. Moses is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon that Lindsey actually works with on a regular basis. We had a 2:15 appointment, got seen at 3:45, and finally got out at 4:30.
The results: no real results. Yeah, really. It's another one of those, "Well, we'll watch it and see what happens at some point in the future" things. We have some sort of magnet on us that attracts that type of diagnosis. The reason for this one specifically is related to the new policy the hospital has on requiring hip ultrasounds for all babies born breech. Since it is relatively new (maybe the past couple of years) the doctors are really not sure how many babies have shallow hip insertions. It could be thousands and thousands of them but they're really not sure. Oh well, whatever. This guarantees a future of hip ultrasounds and x-rays for the next few years. Thankfully, radiology is covered 100% by our insurance!
Since it took so long to be seen, McKenzie decided to entertain us by talking...She was pretty pitiful since she had just had a heel stick to draw some blood about 30 minutes earlier...
Tuesday was my mom's first full day with the girls. She's going to be staying with them every Tuesday so that I have time to go to my office as necessary. In this case, I had to teach a class. She seemed to do pretty well. She wouldn't let me help out with either one of them saying that she needed to learn how to handle them on her own. Ok, so be it...
I got home Tuesday afternoon and she was making dinner. Yay! Unfortunately, I didn't get to eat it with them since I have joined the Hixson Kiwanis group and had a meeting that night. It was good for lunch the next day.
Lindsey is back to work only 4 days a week and Wednesday is her day off. I'm not sure how that worked out since we have church on Wednesday nights so she doesn't even have to cook! No fair!
Thursday and Friday were just back to being with boring old dad...lame. Nothing exciting happened. There was no walking, talking, rolling over, writing a book, nada. These girls are boring!
This week has been pretty good for them smiling. Both of them will give you big smiles every once in a while. It's not exactly consistent but they'll usually give me a big smile the first time they see me in the morning. That's pretty cool.
Saturday we were out early. We met up with Brian and Cathy Decker to look at a house for them. We used to work at camp together and it had been a few years since we'd seen them. They have a 14-month old who was pretty fun. We even all went out to lunch! Exciting day. As a result, the girls pretty much slept all day long. All day. All day long...
So, all in all a pretty uneventful week. Here are a couple of pictures just to tide everyone over til the next update. Hopefully we'll have something more interesting to show you then...

Molly and McKenzie chillin'

McKenzie's so chill she's going to sleep...
I think McKenzie has my hairline!!!
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