More doctors and more doctors...
Hello again all. Not a whole lot of updates but we have had some fun the last week so we decided we'd give you a little update. Today was actually a pretty big day with lots of stuff going on. First, the girls got to go to the hospital and be guinea pigs for a couple of students in the Children's Therapy department. First, Molly and McKenzie were evaluated by a PT student from UTC for all of their deficiencies. Then, a student from Ole Miss (maybe?) who is studying to be a speech therapist got to feed both of the girls. Now, it really wasn't fair since she only had to do one at a time. But, I'll cut her some slack since it's the first time she's ever done any real bottle feeding. Plus, it apparently is useful to practice on "normal" babies before you have to deal with the crazy NICU babies or something.
After we finished up at the hospital, today was also the 4 month check-up with our pediatrician, Dr. Jeanie. We had a pool going to see just how much bigger Molly was than McKenzie. Most estimates were in the 2+ pounds heavier range. Their mother was stretching it to 2 and a half right before the appointment. Alright campers, get out your ticket's the tally.
Molly: 13 pounds 8 oz 41cm head circumference 24" in length
McKenzie: 12 pounds 3 oz 41cm head circumference 24" in length
Ta da! Who's our winner? So, there's really only a pound and a bit difference between them. Sure does feel like a WHOLE LOT MORE sometimes.
Molly grades out on the charts at exactly 50th percentile across the boards. McKenzie's weight puts her in the 25th percentile but everything else is in the 50th.
Both girls got 4 different shots plus a flea dip. Neither was very happy with the procedures. Tylenol will make it all go away. McKenzie decided that she really didn't want to sleep tonight. She ate and went down just like normal but stayed in her crib and talked for about an hour. Really loud talking to like someone yelling at the movie screen or something.
She got to spend some quality time on the couch and then our bed. I finally was able to put her in her crib again at 11PM. She's crazy but at least she wasn't crying or anything (for the most part).
Now, a couple of pictures. I know this is why you people visit the blog so here you go.
We decided to give the girls a bath this past week...together...yeah. Note the strategically placed duck.
Hello Molly

Ah, hello McKenzie

I think someone is watching us Molly...

McKenzie, I have something to give you...

Oh yeah Molly? And what might that be?



Ok, I've had enough...thanks for sharing Molly.

And that was our week...
Oh, and as a crazy side note, here's a video of our associate pastor getting in the spirit of St. Patrick's Day.
Ok so I keep writing the same thing, but man they are just so so so cute. I wonder if McKenzie had said something not appropriate in baby talk so Molly had to "insert foot in mouth," literally.
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